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Traditional Japanese Massage

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60 min: $110
90 min: $155
120 min: $210

Japanese shiatsu massageShiatsu is a traditional Japanese massage that uses finger and palm pressure, as well as stretches and mobilizations to assist in balancing the body’s energy flow, reduce stress, ease muscle tension, and improve circulation. It’s great for relieving chronic pain, anxiety, and digestive issues, promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.

Shiatsu is non-invasive and non-aggressive as it is done over comfortable clothing, without oil, as the client lays on a mat.  This session combines the therapeutic, holistic techniques of Shiatsu with very precise pressure points along meridian lines, to help with different problems, both muscular and systemic. Following the energetic lines with gentleness to find the source of pain and problems, this session is both stimulating and comforting.

Shiatsu massage is great for relieving chronic pain, anxiety, and digestive issues, promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.  It can induce a deep state of relaxation, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. By targeting specific pressure points, Shiatsu can also help to alleviate muscular pain, headaches, and other discomforts. 

The rhythmic pressure applied can improve blood and lymphatic circulation, aiding in the removal of toxins and metabolic waste from the body.  Shiatsu settles emotions and calms the mind. The “flight or fight” sympathetic nervous system is soothed as the “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated along with the innate capacity of the body, mind, spirit to heal itself and respond better to stress. Shiatsu is an excellent treatment to support overall health and well-being by balancing the body’s energy flow and promoting a sense of harmony and vitality.


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768 Avenue Atwater,
(Btw Rue St Jacques & St Antoine)
Montreal, QC., H4C 2G9


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Near Metro Lionel-Groulx

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Suite 7 - 5729 West Boulevard
(Cross West 41st Avenue)
Vancouver, BC., V6M 3W8


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