Thai Step-On Massage (barefoot massage or Ashiatsu ) is an ancient form of massage that uses the feet and the practitioner’s body weight to perform deep tissue work on specific pressure points on the body, resulting in the client feeling refreshed and stimulated. The Thai Step-On is not exactly the same as the Ashiatsu from Japan, ours is a Thai version.
Using a cane for balance and support to vary position and weight, the practitioner applies pressure by using different foot strokes with the feet on the body’s muscles. The practitioner may also use their knees and can possibly sit on you as well. There are many techniques we can apply.
The movement is like a slow motion walk, with the feet pressing and pulling on the client’s muscles, elongating them to release tension, open energy channels, release toxins and stimulate the body’s own self-healing capabilities.
This massage is ideal for those who desire a gratifying and results-driven treatment i.e. athletes, body builder, larger clients, and those who can never get enough pressure in a massage. The massage is performed with the client wearing loose comfortable clothing while lying on a cushioned mat on the floor.
Benefits of Thai Step On Massage (Ashiatsu)